Free Cloud GPU

  • Free Trial of Our Cloud GPU
    No personal data or credit card required.
  • 100% Docker
    Docker is our only virtualization layer. Use any image from any repo. Or use our pre-built images, equipped with popular components and a working CUDA environment.
  • 100% Performance
    Trials have the same performance. No downgrades.
  • Decentralized ExaMesh Cloud
    We operate several edge data centers with our own infrastructure. Decentralized and operated in renewable energy power plants.

Start a new Instance

Deploy within seconds.
NVIDIA Tesla V100 32 GB
0 CPU Cores

$1.59 per hour, taxes may apply

100% Docker

You love Docker, just like we do? Then this is the place for you. All our Cloud Instances use our Docker layer. This allows you to deploy your own and any other image.

Use public repositories, like Docker Hub, or private repositories. Our infrastructure supports all open source Docker Registry servers. This allows you to use your own hosted registry.

Deploy in 60 Seconds

With our pre-built Docker images, you can bring the cloud GPU online in as little as 60 seconds. Apart from a little Docker knowledge and an SSH key, no in-depth knowledge is required.

Performance to the Max

Our decentralized and 100% green infrastructure uses no additional virtualization other than Docker. No virtual hardware like vCPUs. Just dedicated CPU cores (each with two threads), RAM, SSD and of course GPUs.

This allows us to achieve maximum performance, agility and simplicity. Exactly what other large providers can no longer provide.

ExaMesh Instances: Cheap, simple, super fast and environmentally friendly.

All Our Instances Are Environmentally Friendly

Already in 2019, we were the first provider to run HPC Instances with 100% green energy. We don’t just use co2 certificates to do this. All of our servers run inside green power plants.

Here you can see how we install the V100 Instances in one of our wind turbines.

What People say about "Free Cloud GPU"


Fast. Docker. Green. What Else?

Besides fast deployable pre-built Images, a straight Docker layer, 100% green energy we also offer:
24/7/365 Support

Whenever and no matter what the request. We are there for you.


Accounts can be used by multiple members of your team and manage any number of Instances and SSH keys.


Management of each Instance is always possible via SSH and your command line.


Nobody knows the exact location of your Instance. Our infrastructure is decentralized.